Hello !

I'm trying to make changes to sqlite to allow multi-databases databases (I mean have a database that is onl used to anchor attached databases and store mutli-database views/triggers).

I already managed to add a new pragma "use_attached_databases=ON/OFF" to allow views/triggers to have references to attached databases and have it working (I mean I can create views/triggers that references other databases and it's accepted).

The problem is when I open a database that contains those views/triggers it shows errors saying:

Error: malformed database schema (v1) - view v1 cannot reference objects in database db1

The problem is I didn't found yet the point where I should intercept the "openDatabase" where I plan to check if there is a table named for example "use_attached_dbs" and then attach the databases on that table and then reread the schema to make the views work.

The place to do so probably is at the end of "openDatabase", can someone shed some light here ?

P.S.: This is for a custom use of sqlite3 so please don't bother to reply to say why I should not been doing this.

Cheers !

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