
I am trying to create a simple virtual table that acts as wrapper for a normal 
database table for a specific query. For example, consider that I have tables A 
and B in my database and the query:
select count(A.id) from A CROSS JOIN B where A.id=B.id

Now I am using a virtual table acting as wrapper for table B, so I can execute 
the query
select count(A.id) from A CROSS JOIN w where A.id=w.id,
where w is the virtual table instance, and get the same result. My problem is 
that the second query is about 2 times slower. I would normally expect some 
overhead, but this seems quite slow, so I was wondering if there is something 
wrong with my code.

I am using a prepared statement in connect method for query "select id from B 
where id=?1" and reset/bind/step in filter method and (if there are more 
results) step in next method.

Here's my code (I am just setting id=0 to denote eof)

Do you think there's something wrong or it's an unavoidable overhead that comes 
with the virtual table usage? Are there any chances to improve performance?


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