----- Forwarded by Ben Carlyle/AU/IRSA/Rail on 07/11/2003 10:00 AM -----

Ben Carlyle
07/11/2003 10:00 AM

        To:     "Mrs. Brisby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@CORP
        Subject:        Re: [sqlite] Performance problem

"Mrs. Brisby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
07/11/2003 12:08 AM

        To:     "Jonas Forsman / Axier.SE" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        cc:     "Clark, Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "D. Richard Hipp" <[EMAIL 
        Subject:        Re: [sqlite] Performance problem

> On Wed, 2003-11-05 at 23:59, Jonas Forsman / Axier.SE wrote:
> > Note: Testing has shown PostgreSQL's hash indexes to be similar or 
> > than B-tree indexes, and the index size and build time for hash 
indexes is
> > much worse. Hash indexes also suffer poor performance under high
> > concurrency. For these reasons, hash index use is discouraged.
> Please note I'm note I'm not talking about a hash of the entire key- I'm
> talking about n distinct b-trees that are selected by an 8->n bit
> function. This transformation can be made very fast: We get a speed
> improvement here on searches if our 8->n bit function takes less time
> than n-1 random memcmp()'s.

How would you handle the lack of ordering associate with hash tables? 
Sqlite can currently use indicies for three main tests: equals, less than, 
and greater than. While hash-tables are good at finding equal-to in 
constant time it usually means linear time (a table-scan) to test for less 
than or greater than. Do you have a solution to this problem?


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