At 12:27 PM -0700 1/14/04, Wade Preston Shearer wrote:
>Yes... in OS X, everything that happens is written on in an app called Console. I 
>write the author a while back too and he asked that I attempt to launch it again with 
>Console running and then send him whatever errors/messages appear, but... 
>strangely... I am still getting nothing in the Console... as I did then.

I use a Mac myself, though currently it is on 10.2.6.

To my knowledge, Console doesn't report *everything* that happens.  I believe it shows 
the text that is "printed to stderr" by applications.  Or at least it shows a lot of 
OS-detected problems.  For example, if the application you are launching dies because 
it can't find a shared library it needs, that will report in the console.  Or it did 
with a different app I tried.

As strange as it sounds, there is something else you should check, and that is whether 
any *other* applications also die on launch, especially ones that worked fine before.  
If you come to the point where anything you open tends to die immediately, that 
indicates an OS problem (I use this term broadly); usually saving changes in already 
open apps and then doing a normal restart will restore stability and let things launch 
then.  Whereas, if only one app fails but the others are fine, then the app would be 
the one with the problem.

-- Darren Duncan

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