Diosdada Fernandez


   I hated my name, which means God-given, until God gave me my life back.

I live in Cuba, and although my mother claimed to be a Christian, I grew up not 
believing in God. Then in 1996 I learned that I had rectal cancer. The doctors 
operated, then they began radiation treatments. But the treatments did more harm than 
good, and I was in incredible pain. Doctors gave me morphine for the pain, but I 
became afraid to even eat. I lost weight and paralysis was slowly setting in. The 
doctors gave me little hope that I would survive.


   While I was still in hospital, a fire in the hospital set off a severe asthma 
attack. I coughed so hard that I tore out my stitches and fell to the floor. When 
nurses rescued me, I could not breath.

   X-rays showed that the fire had damaged my lungs, but worse, I also had lung cancer 
from heavy smoking over the years. Doctors operated to repair my torn stitches, but 
they stopped midway through surgery, thinking I was dead.


   I awoke to see a beautiful city and a bright, shinning being. I felt peaceful and 
well, and I began to talk to the beautiful being. Doctors heard me and stared in 
disbelief, thinking I had died. They quickly completed the surgery and took me to 


  Just hours after surgery I felt better than I had felt in months – years, even.

I got out of bed and walked, where just a day before I was paralyzed and could not 
walk. It was as if superhuman strength poured through my body. A hospital worker asked 
my son, a doctor, if I was a believer, and he told the man that my only loves in life 
were women, tobacco, and alcohol. Then the worker told my son I had been quoting 
Scripture to them, though I had never read the Bible.

And when breakfast came I ate hungrily for the first time in months.

   Clearly god was working wonders, miracles in my life, though I did not yet know him.


My recovery from cancer was so rapid that doctors were amazed. Just hours after my 
final surgery, I was out of bed visiting other patients. Soon doctors could find no 
reason to me longer.


   When Christians had come to visit me in the hospital, I had made fun of them. But 
when my Christian niece came to see me, I was thrilled. She brought me a Bible, and I 
begged her to stay and help me understand it. I wanted so much to find out what God 
had to say about what had happened to me.


   My niece stayed for there days to help me begin my journey to God. We spent hours 
talking about God and His word. I asked her how to become a Christian, and she prayed 
with me while I accepted Jesus as my Saviour. Then I asked forgiveness of all the 
Christians whom I had ridiculed while in the hospitial.


  I made a promise to God that I would tell others what he had done for me wherever I 
had a chance. So I began walking to churches throughout central Cuba giving my 
testimony to all who would listen. But I still did not have a church home of my own. 
Always there seemed to be something about the churches I visited that did not seem 
quite right.


   Then an Adventist man invited me to come to his church to give my testimony. In 
that little Adventist church I found something different, something special. The 
members’ humility and love touched me deeply. As I listened to the sermon I sensed 
that I had found the true church, the one that followed all of God’s teachings. After 
the service I asked the pastor how I could make this church my home. Before too long I 
was baptized.


   God has given me a ministry among the sick, and I rejoice to know that God is using 
me as his vehicle to pray for people who were then healed. I cannot thank God enough 
for all He has done for me. He healed me, saved me, and sent me out to share my 
blessings with others.

   And my name, Diosdada? Now I understand why my mother chose that name. For God has 
given me everything!

Diosdada Fernandez lives in Camaguey, Cuba, where he shares his faith will all who 
will listen.

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