Running Win2K, with all current patches, I use the SQLite3.exe program to
create a database named "test.db" using the .read command.  The file
"test.sql" contains the following table definition:

    create table Author
        AuthorKey  integer primary key     not null,
        LastName   varchar (40)            not null,
        FirstName  varchar (20)            null,
        Middle     char    (5)             null

    create index IX_Author_1 on Author(LastName, FirstName);

    C:\dbtest>sqlite3.exe test.db
    SQLite version 3.0.4
    Enter ".help" for instructions
    sqlite> .read test.sql

Now, I execute a few inserts one at a time, and after each one do a "select
last_insert_rowid()" from the table to get the last key I inserted.  It
works fine the first time, but every subsequent time, I get as many rows
(all with the same value, the last rowid) returned as there are records in
the table.  I later added two rows at once, and once again got as many rows
returned as there are records.

A transcript is below.

sqlite> insert into author (AuthorKey, LastName, FirstName, Middle) values
(null, "Smith", "John", "Q." );
sqlite> select last_insert_rowid() from Author;
sqlite> insert into author (AuthorKey, LastName, FirstName, Middle) values
(null, "Jones", "James", "J." );
sqlite> select last_insert_rowid() from Author;
sqlite> insert into author (AuthorKey, LastName, FirstName, Middle) values
(null, "Doe", "Jane", "F." );
sqlite> select last_insert_rowid() from Author;
sqlite> insert into author (AuthorKey, LastName, FirstName, Middle) values
(null, "Babe", "D.", "Licious" );
sqlite> insert into author (AuthorKey, LastName, FirstName, Middle) values
(null, "Horndog", "M.", "F." );
sqlite> select last_insert_rowid() from Author;

Is this just the SQLite3.exe doing this, or is it the library itself?  I
don't use the library directly, rather I use a wrapper written by someone
else, so I can't test that directly myself.  The wrapper I'm using doesn't
return more than one value (though I don't know if that's because the
library doesn't, or because something in the wrapper is filtering it.)

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