Hello Jay,

Yes, that is the expected behaviour. But that is not my problem.

Within sqlite console there is a a command

.nullvalue NULL

All I want is to know how I can set and use this mechanismen from my Tcl interpreter too.

Of cause it would be possible to misuse the default setting to get the required NULL. But there are plenty thousands of lines of codes and backups of dynamic tables containing NULLs all over the world. And some of them just need to differ NULL and empty value while iterating of datas containing NULLs in several columns. To get really paranoic there are even columns containing NULL and the string 'NULL'.

Now this seems to be the last step porting from mSQL to SQLite. For my code it is no problem to use the default option, it could be done in a few minutes. But nor the world wide code base neither the backups can't be changed. And so far, we already used a mechanismen setting the NULL string and it worked well for more than ten years and therefore is established.

Ok , can this be done regularly or do I have to make a customized version of SQLite?


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