Is it possible to limit the amount of memory SQLite uses while
processing an aggregate query?

   I have a 1GB database containing a single table.  Simple queries
against this table (SELECT COUNT(*), etc.) run without using more than a
few MBs of memory; the amount used seems to correspond directly with the
size of the page cache, as I expected.  If I execute an aggregate query
that contains a GROUP BY clause, however, the memory usage seems to jump
quite a bit - the memory usage seems to correlate with the number of
columns in the GROUP BY.  Grouping by three columns using a couple
hundred megs of memory; grouping by eight columns uses more than 1.3GB!.

   Given that the queries I'm testing with will return a lot of rows,
I'm guessing that the memory is being used to store the result data
before it's returned to the caller (or, if the query is part of a CREATE
TABLE AS or INSERT INTO ... SELECT statement, before being inserted into
the destination table).  My other theory is that the memory is being
used to hold intermediate results while performing the grouping.
Regardless of the cause, is this avoidable?  Given its nature as an
embedded database, this just doesn't seem right to me, so I'm hoping so.


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