Dear users,

I have attached another version of my wrapper for SQLite.

This returns a table in memory and releases all locks. Therefore providing a safer, simpler and very useful API.

This version uses less memory, gets meta-data and fixes a bug or two.

This version also provides some streaming formats. Dumping content of result to a file pointer. Two formats for debugging, two for streaming:

Debug Format 1:

|a   |b   |
|1   |A   |
|2   |B   |
|NULL|C   |
|4   |NULL|

Debug Format 2:

    <TD ALIGN=CENTER><B><FONT FACE="Courier">a</FONT></B></TD>
    <TD ALIGN=CENTER><B><FONT FACE="Courier">b</FONT></B></TD>
    <TD><FONT FACE="Courier">1</FONT></TD>
    <TD><FONT FACE="Courier">A</FONT></TD>
    <TD><FONT FACE="Courier">2</FONT></TD>
    <TD><FONT FACE="Courier">B</FONT></TD>
    <TD><FONT FACE="Courier">NULL</FONT></TD>
    <TD><FONT FACE="Courier">C</FONT></TD>
    <TD><FONT FACE="Courier">4</FONT></TD>
    <TD><FONT FACE="Courier">NULL</FONT></TD>
    <TD><FONT FACE="Courier">NULL</FONT></TD>
    <TD><FONT FACE="Courier">NULL</FONT></TD>

Stream Format 1:


Stream Format 2:

  <ROW a="1" b="A" />
  <ROW a="2" b="B" />
  <ROW a="" b="C" />
  <ROW a="4" b="" />
  <ROW a="" b="" />

I do not unfortunately have any place to host this work. There may be somebody on this list who knows of a place where this can be published for any members who may with make use of it.

Kind regards,

Ben Clewett.

Attachment: sqlite_wrapper.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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