Hi !

In the years of 2000 I wrote 3 programs.
These apps are placed in CD, but in this time I don't have good solution for online databases.

Then I placed an Installer in CD, and this Setup prg. is install InterBase 6.0 in the computer with my software.

That is very wrong solution (I think it NOW), but in the year 2000 I need fast development...

The problems are many with this:
- The InterBase installer is english, and the program is multilang
- The IB server may be exists in the dest. computer, then it need sysdba password setting.
- If FB or other IB same systems are installed in computer, then the program have been crashed on checking.


I need to re-develop these apps, and make new CD-s.
But I have a problem, because I don't know, what a method I choose for it !

The older databases stored in IB6.0 format.

1. FB (FireBird) Embed 1.5.2:
That is very good if working, and not buggy.
But many questions I have about it.
A.) it is working if I place in CD ? (Online database needed !)
B.) it is working with older db format ?
C.) it have enough stability ?
D.) it is enough to place FBEmbed.dll as gds32.dll, or I need another files ?
E.) it is fully supports charset, and ordering ?
F.) I can protect my fdb file with another password technique ?
G.) it is enough speedy ?
H.) can I use it readonly mode ?
I.) it is supports an FB compliant interface to access db with IBX/IBO ?

2. XML ?
XML is very flexible, and because it is text based, then everytime readable. MS XML Interface is good for it, but not support searches - so I need to filter every elements.
Another problem is charset. I need to use win1250 (hun), and english charset. How to this program works with another langs/settings ?
Sort problems.

3. SQLite
SQLite is developed for these types of applications. 1 user, local datasets, quick access, etc.
But many problems with it:
- it have only english "order by" lang support
- it is not suppports functions like upper/lower (with hun chars)
So I need to search every records, and I need to compare them with my function, and I need to repack the subqueries' result.
Many developing, and I don't know, how to works it in a system with another language...

Please help me. I want to choose SQLite if possible a 'simpler' solution than I write every filters by hand.

Thanx for it:

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