On Fri, 2005-04-22 at 13:30 +0200, Tobias RundstrÃm wrote:
> > If you disable the F_FULLFSYNC, it will go much faster.
> Compiletime change or some pragma?

PRAGMA synchronous=NORMAL;

> >>Secondly after holding the DB open and not sending any querys to it for 
> >>quite some time (3-4 hours) I often get a corrupted database (error 
> >>from SQLite is "database file is damaged or encrypted").
> > 
> > 
> > What do you mean "holding the DB open"?  If you you do not send
> > it any queries, you can you get an error?  Please explain the problem
> > in more detail.
> Sorry I was unclear.
> I open the database, do some inserts(). idle for 3-4 hours without 
> closing the handle and then do some selects it will give me that error.

Sounds to me like some other process is coming along and
messing with the database file while your original process
is setting idle.
D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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