Hey Danny,

I think with the advice you've gotten you should be able to run with it. 
However it you get stuck take a look at:
http://www.guitipsandtricks.com/Under the 30 most recent you will see
one entitled "Embedded Database for
Easy Storage". If you don't mind signing up, it walks you through using 
SQLite on VS .Net.

FYI, the site is run by one of my classes in college so you don't need to 
worry about spam or other junk to the email. Its mainly tips that people in 
the class have made, but there are a few posted by people in "industry".

> Hello,
> I'd like to use the SQLite Library now for the first time, for my programs
> which should run under Linux and Windows.
> But I've got problems with the lib (I'm not very familar with .dll files). 
> I
> downloaded the Precompared Binary for Windows. In my progam I included the
> sqlite3.h and I copied the sqlite3.dll into my project directory. But when 
> I
> compile it, I got error message about unresolved links, e.g. 
> sqlite3_open()
> I'm working normally with lib files, which I include with #pragma
> comment(lib, "file.lib"); into my C++ program.
> Can anyone help me?
> Thanks in advance :)

Kiel W.
>> time is swift <<

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