Hello Brown, Dave,

I don't receive any errors executing your SQL script with my SQLiteSpy database 
explorer, which uses version 3.2.2 of the SQLite library.

Maybe you have accidentally inserted a newline into your script which 
terminates the "--" comment?



PS: SQLiteSpy home: http://www.yunqa.de/delphi/sqlitespy/

>I have a text file called "test.sql" which has the following two commands:
>CREATE TABLE preference
>        name TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL,
>        value TEXT
>INSERT INTO preference (name, value) VALUES( 'test1', 1024 ); -- test
>Now I run sqlite3 to create the database:
>C:\Temp\SQLite>sqlite3 test.db
>SQLite version 3.2.1
>Enter ".help" for instructions
>sqlite> .read test.sql
>Incomplete SQL: INSERT INTO preference (name, value) VALUES( 'test1', 1024
>); --
> test comment
>If I remove the comment at the end of the INSERT line, it works. I didn't
>think having a comment after the statement was supposed to be a syntax
>error. Is it?

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