apparently, it looks like the easiest way to cross-compile sqlite3
for my PPC board will be to just hack the gcc-oriented Makefile.  as
it stands, that Makefile has a couple critical omissions for me.

  first, it doesn't support building shared libs, which i'd prefer.
also, it's not clear how to disable tcl support just from that
makefile, which i'm assuming should be allowable since it was an
option with the "configure" program.

  in any event, the simplest solution appears to be to just hack up a
modified makefile to do what i want.  thanks for the info thus far,
i'm sure this isn't the end of it.


p.s.  as a side note, the whole point of this exercise is to build a
*really* small footprint DB for an embedded system for which space is
at a premium, and sqlite came highly recommended.

if anyone has a suggestion as to some other, freely-available, OSS DB
package that would be worth examining, i'm all ears.  i'd like to be
able to say i at least considered some alternatives.

p.p.s.  if tcl support doesn't add a whole lot to the eventual size of
the library, then i won't worry overly about disabling it.

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