Mrs. Brisby wrote:
chances are you can't use threads correctly either. This mailing list is
an excellent example of how many "professional programmers" simply can't
deal with threads- every problem they run into, it's "how do I make
sqlite work with threads".

If you have to ask that question, you simply have no idea what you're

I wasn't going to drag this thread on any longer, but just
in case this view is popular...

SQLite is a great library, but calling it multi-threaded
is stretching the common definition of the term.  I consider
SQLite multi-thread "tolerant" :)  It detects and allows you
to deal with potential threading related issues as opposed to
dealing with those issues for the developer ( real thread
"support" in my view ).

Given the good doctor's stance on threads, I am grateful for
what thread tolerance is in the library :)

We get all those threads related questions because SQLite
is difficult to use with threads and has sparse sometimes
conflicting documentation on the subject.

Don't get me wrong, again I am not complaining, it is *way*
better than the other options out there.  But you can't
expect someone to magically figure out an API based on
one or two sentence definitions and comments in a header
file without asking a few questions and making a few


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