How did you download the archive? Using which client?
I never had any problems using the source archives (may not have used that exact version, but I never had any problems using the .tar.gz archives on Mac OS X...)

Make sure you don't use any older version of Stuffit or the like to extract the archives!


Am 8.9.05 um 18:46 schrieb Cam Crews:

Ok...  try downloading the sqlite source again.  Maybe the mac browser
isn't downloading correctly or your unzip utility is corrupting
things.  Try performing these operations (downloading and unzipping)
through the command line:
gunzip sqlite-2.8.16.tar.gz
tar -xvf sqlite-2.8.16.tar
cd sqlite-2.8.16

now what happens when you configure/install from here?

On 9/8/05, Richard Nagle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On September 08 2005, Cam Crews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So, its something with the C compiler...

Well, you can test your compiler pretty easily..  Are you able to
compile anything else?  At minimum, try compiling hello world first:

create a file test.c :
#include <stdio.h>

int main( ) {
 printf("oh my, 1 step closer to using sqlite\n");
 return 0;
then type from the command line:

gcc test.c -o sillymac
chmod +x sillymac

if that works, your compiler is probably ok.  Next try downloading a
sample project from, and see if you can configure &
compile one of those...
 I'll echo the suggestion that your source download is likely
corrupt.  Or your data is being corrupted through the unzipping


It worked:

Welcome to Darwin!
FastMAC:~ rn$ ls
Desktop Library Movies Pictures Sites test.c Documents Mail Music Public ash tinySQL2
FastMAC:~ rn$ gcc test.c -o sillymac
FastMAC:~ rn$ chmod +x sillymac
FastMAC:~ rn$ ./sillymac
oh my, 1 step closer to using sqlite
FastMAC:~ rn$


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