On Thu, 2005-09-08 at 23:05 +0200, Martin Engelschalk wrote:
> I have found that, when dealing with NULL values, it helps to think of a 
> Null as "I don't know, I have no data".
> So, if the where clause returns no records, I do know the result: It is 0.
> If there where clause returns records with NULL values, that means I did 
> not know the values and so can
> not know the sum, too. Sum() should therefore return NULL.
> When I want to regard a NULL value as 0 in this (or any) context, I use 
> a sum(coalesce(row, 0)).

Martin, your argument makes good sense.  Unfortunately, that
is not what the SQL standard says should happen.  According
to SQL (or at least the authorities on the subject I have
access to) any NULL values in the series input to SUM are
to be ignored.  SUM returns the summation of the non-null
values.  Or if there are no non-NULL values SUM returns NULL.

So SQL sez:

    SUM(<empty-set>)  ==  NULL
    SUM(<all-nulls>)  ==  NULL
    SUM(<some-nulls>) ==  Sum of non-null values

Martin sez:

    SUM(<empty-set>)  == 0
    SUM(<all-nulls>)  == NULL
    SUM(<some-nulls>) == NULL

SQLite 3.2.5 does this:

    SUM(<empty-set>)  == 0
    SUM(<all-nulls>)  == 0
    SUM(<some-nulls>) == Sum of non-null values

I can understand Martin's point of view.  The SQL standard
point of view makes no sense to me at all.  
D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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