Nemanja Corlija wrote:
Here's an example table:
CREATE TABLE t1 (fname TEXT, vers TEXT, chng INT, UNIQUE(fname,vers));
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('file1', '1', 0);
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('file1', '2', 1);
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('file1', '3', 2);
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('file2', '1', 0);

SELECT fname, MAX(vers), chng FROM t1
WHERE fname LIKE 'file%'
GROUP BY fname

Above query returns:

fname  max(vers)  chng
file2     1        0
file1     3        0

fname and vers returned are OK, but chng is not. I need to have latest
chng in each group.
How can I get chng form the row with highest rowid in the group?

Something like this perhaps?

select fname, vers, chng
from t1 first
where fname like 'file%' and not exists
   (select * from t1 second
    where first.fname=second.fname and first.vers < second.vers)

Igor Tandetnik

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