I have this query:

  SELECT sCommunityID, max(sTransactionID)
  FROM TransactionList 
  WHERE sCommunityID in ('a030600001bFi','a030600004KDy', 'a030600008QhK')
  GROUP BY sCommunityID
There is an index on (sCommunityID, sTransactionID)

This forces a table scan (perhaps improved in 3.2.6). 

I can use a LIMIT 1 clause like this, but only with one community ID:

  SELECT sCommunityID, sTransactionID
  FROM TransactionList 
  WHERE sCommunityID  = 'a030600001bFi'
  ORDER BY sTransactionID Desc LIMIT 1

Is there a way of getting the latter to work with multiple sCommunityIDs?


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