On Tue, Oct 25, 2005 at 10:05:31AM -0500, John Stanton wrote:
> I've been worn down by my quest for a comparable product to SQLite
> written in pure Java and have come to the conclusion that it doesn't
> exit.  I've looked at Derby, QED, Axion, blah blah and I'm not too
> impressed by any of them.
> None of them are as good as SQLite and they all use multiple files for
> their storage.
> Sqlite is portable to pretty much anything more advanced than an abacus, 
> so I don't see your problem.  If there were gcc for abacus it would work 
> on that too :-).

This company has a C to Java Bytecode compiler.  E.g., compile C 
programs to run on a Java JVM.   


I have no idea how this actually works in practice, but any 
SQLite fan with $49 to burn and some time might want to give it 
a try.

Tom Poindexter

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