On 11/3/05, Dennis Cote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I agree that moving away from the standard is a bad thing, but this
> change does not in any way merit forking SQLite or changing its name.
> SQLite currently deviates from the standard in much more significant
> ways than this proposed (well its more than proposed now) change. It
> lacks many standard functions, has no support for standard dates or
> times, and no support for referential integrity for example.

An excellent point, one that I didn't consider.

> In summary: SQLite is good. Standards are good. I hope SQLite moves
> towards the SQL standard.

I agree. I wanted to suggest that if the design goals are changing and
DRH is headed in a different direction he should put on his turn signals...

Seems it's overwhelming not a popular idea ;)  I'm sure a lot of people
would benefit from the typeless version.

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