john.newby wrote:
Hi, I am doing my final year project/dissertation on "Creating a GUI to

I am after help for my analysis phase and would like any comments/help from
members or if you could put me in the right direction as to where I could
find out this information.

I would like information regarding SQLite for the following if at all

Why users use SQLite instead of other SQL databases?
SQLite has two fine features. Firstly it is simple, lives in one file and doesn't require a server process. Secondly it implements all the important elements of SQL.
Would a GUI detract users from using SQLite?
There is a wagon load of GUIs to SQLite already. They neither add nor detract from the DBMS.

Regarding a GUI to SQLite:-

What features a GUI MUST have?
What features you would LIKE a GUI to have?
What features you would NOT LIKE to have?
This is like asking what features are needed in a coat without specifying its intended usage.

Any help on these questions or any other information you may feel would help
me on my journey would be greatfully appreciated.

You can contact me at my University email address on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Many thanks for your help.


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