Some people on the list have noted that inserting pre-sorted 
rows in sub-batches into SQLite is faster than inserting 
unsorted rows. Granted, you could only do this for one index 
per table, but might this be the basis of an optimization?
(I have not looked at the insert code. Perhaps SQLite is 
already doing this for all I know.)

Would this be a bad time to ask for multi-row insert support? :-)
INSERT INTO tbl_name(a,b,c) VALUES(1,2,3),(4,5,6),(7,8,9);

> The way indices work in SQLite is that there is one row
> in the index for each row in the table but the index rows
> are in index order.  If the indexed values are randomly
> distributed in the table, that means building the index
> requires inserting each row in a random spot in the middle
> of the index.  Constantly inserting things in random places
> means that there is no locality of reference and the pager
> cache does not perform well.  It is not clear to me what
> can be done about this other than to completely redesign
> how indices work.  And even then, I cannot think of an
> alternative design that would do much better.

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