Have you tried creating indexes on your rows. I am working with a
particularly large database, with more than 40 000 Records, i had a
timeout problem, but as soon as i created indexes on my key rows, the
speed was amazing and i use complex queries especially for my reports.

I suggest you add indexes on text_val

On Fri, 2006-03-24 at 09:30 +0100, Steffen Schwigon wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm trying to use the database of the OpenGeoDB project
> (http://opengeodb.hoppe-media.com/index.php?FrontPage_en)
> with SQLite.
> Simple example queries from opengeodb work ok, like
>     SELECT text_val
>     FROM geodb_textdata
>     WHERE text_type=500100000 /* NAME */ AND
>           loc_id=27431;
> But the less trivial queries are very slow:
>     SELECT code.text_val as "area code", name.text_val as "town"
>     FROM geodb_textdata code, geodb_textdata name
>     WHERE name.loc_id=code.loc_id AND
>           code.text_type=500300000 /* AREA_CODE */ AND
>           name.text_type=500100000 /* NAME */
>     ORDER by 2;
> Results just dripple out slowly. Particularly I have to use it
> *without* the "ORDER BY", else the result takes "forever". Postgresql
> solves it much faster, with or without "ORDER BY".
> The only difference in the data is that I used "INTEGER" instead of
> Postgres' "Boolean" type.
> The OpenGeoDB examples are taken from here:
>   http://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=27614&group_id=132421
> If you want to look at the DB, I have importable data here:
>   http://renormalist.net/opengeodb/opengeodb-sqlite.sql.gz
>   http://renormalist.net/opengeodb/opengeodb-postgres.sql.gz
>   (2 MB each, 26 MB after gunzipping)
> The Database is described here:
>   http://sourceforge.net/docman/index.php?group_id=132421
> Is there something I can optimize in SQLite? E.g., I'm not sure, that
> the indexes really work. Syntax seems to match the documentation, but
> I'm a sqlite newbie and no db wizard.
> (Greeti+Tha)nX
> Steffen 

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