"Christian Schwarz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > Have you tried creating indexes on your rows.
>> > [..]
>> > I suggest you add indexes on text_val
>> Yes. I use
>>   create index text_val_idx on geodb_textdata(text_val);
> This index seems pretty useless. You're querying against
> geodb_textdata.loc_id and geodb_textdata.text_type. So you should create
> an index over these columns.

Sorry, I just named this one in my reply.
In the DB there are much more indexes:

 create index text_lid_idx on geodb_textdata(loc_id);
 create index text_val_idx on geodb_textdata(text_val);
 create index text_type_idx on geodb_textdata(text_type);
 create index text_locale_idx on geodb_textdata(text_locale);
 create index text_native_idx on geodb_textdata(is_native_lang);
 create index text_default_idx on geodb_textdata(is_default_name);
 create index text_since_idx on geodb_textdata(valid_since);
 create index text_until_idx on geodb_textdata(valid_until);

Practically one such line for each table and each column.
If you want to see the whole db as import script, have a look at


This DB was originally a Postgres one. I just changed the boolean
true/false into integer-0/1 and everything else at least syntactically
worked. Maybe I'm missing some other syntax that SQLite accepts but
silently ignores or handles differently.

Steffen Schwigon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dresden Perl Mongers <http://dresden-pm.org/>

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