Mike Ashmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some triggers that fire on INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE to a  
> view. Those triggers calls a user-defined library function. What I  
> was wondering was, is there some way my library function can be  
> notified of the beginning and end of a transaction?
> For instance, if the user issues an UPDATE on the view that affects  
> four records, my UPDATE trigger fires four times. What I'd like to  
> know is when that outer UPDATE transaction begins and ends, so that I  
> can then group my user-defined function's actions in a way that  
> continues to guarantee transactional atomicity.
> Is this possible short of mucking around in the VDBE? And if VDBE- 
> mucking is required, does anybody want to offer any pointers?

D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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