Anders Persson wrote:
Phuah Yee Keat skrev:
so do something like
gcc --static -I../sqlite -L../sqlite/.libs -o db-test db-test.c -lsqlite3 -lrt

Okej tested and i got

ld: fatal: library -lrt: not found
ld: fatal: File processing errors. No output written to db-test
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

On my solaris 8 on sparc machine, I do not have a librt.a, so I think --static would not work. Try doing away with the --static flag. Why do you want to compile static anyway?

For me, i just compile sqlite3 into my app statically (because its not native), other native libraries are dynamically linked.

Phuah Yee Keat

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