On Mon, May 08, 2006 at 04:06:33PM +1000, Bill KING wrote:
> Anish Enos Mathew wrote:
> > Well, currently I am  doing a mobile project and we are testing the
> > performance of four databases depending on the time it takes to insert
> > or delete or search a particular data from the database. I am using
> > sqlite3 database. I am using sqlite_exec command for doing a particular
> > process in the data base. But the problem with sqlite_exec is that the
> > sqlite engine should parse the select or insert statement and then
> > produces the result. If we are having a low level API for doing the same
> > which doesn't takes parsing time, we could directly do the process
> > rather than giving the select or insert statements. So I would like to
> > know is there any other method which can be used to retrieve or insert
> > data's from the database other than using the select or insert commands.
> >   
> Much better, as far as I know (which isn't much). The sql parser
> generates vdbe bytecodes (see the explain command), which it then
> executes to execute the query as such. You could take a squiz in that
> direction.

Fair warning though: I'm pretty sure it's not a blessed interface, and
can therefore subject change without advance notice (it did, after all,
change significantly in the jump to 3.0).

Anish, if your app is just executing one of a number of predetermined
SQL queries, you may want to use sqlite3_prepare() instead, so that you
pay the parsing cost just a few times rather than on every query, while
retaining the flexibility and general clarity of SQL in your program.

- Adrian

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