First of all i'm using Sqlite for 2 years now and just want to tell
it's great! that's done and now here's why i'm sending this message to
the list:
I'm working on pagination and want to retrieve the number of row that
i would normally retrieve without the Limit clause. So i hoped to use
subselect to do such thing but discover a weird behaviour and perhaps
a bug?

background info :
- doing
SELECT * FROM mytable
i get 20 rows and that's fine

- doing
SELECT * FROM mytable GROUP BY col1
return 10 rows and that's fine too

- doing
SELECT count(*) as ct FROM (SELECT * FROM mytable)  _TMPTABLE_;
just work fine too i retrieve one row with ct = 20

BUT if i add a GROUP BY clause in the subselect the results returned
in ct is just false ex:
- doing
SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM mytable GROUP BY col1) _TMPTABLE_;
return one row with 20 in ct and that's FALSE, this is the total
amount of row in mytable instead of the amount of grouped row

Am i doing something wrong? tested on a mysql database give me correct
results, is this a bug, is there any way to work around?
At least is there a better way to get the total amount of row a query
would have return without a LIMIT clause as using SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS
and  FOUND_ROWS() in mysql (i would prefer that the subselect work in
the good way)
Thanks for your help

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