I tried without using a bound column name, that took care of it.  Thanks

Jay Sprenkle wrote:
On 5/19/06, Kevin Piciulo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    I've been staring at this line for quite a while now, and can't
figure out what the problem is.  I know the database is created and
open.  The following returns SQLITE_ERROR.

sqlite3_prepare(m_dbDataBase, "UPDATE Users SET ? = ? WHERE user_id ==
?;", -1, &stmt, NULL);

  My guess is that i can't use a variable to represent the column name.
Is this the case?  I don't know why i wouldn't be able to bind that
variable just like i can any other.  Another option is just that my SQL
is wrong (i'm relatively new.)  I've looked over that though and don't
see any errors.

I see '==' in your sql. Sql is not like C/C++, there is no distinction
between comparison and assignment.

I'm not sure you can prepare a statement with the column name
bound. I might be wrong there though.

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