Dennis Cote wrote:
> Dennis Jenkins wrote:
>> Maybe someone could create a simple web site that lets us vote on the
>> suggestions?
> Unfortunately (or perhaps not) Richard runs SQLite and its related
> community more like a benevolent dictatorship than a democracy. :-)
> I believe he listens to the responses (especially when he has
> specifically asked for ideas), but he is not bound by them in any way.
> Simply stating your opinion is the best way to get your ideas considered.
> As with all benevolent dictatorships, everything goes relatively
> smoothly as long as the dictator remains benevolent. So far Richard
> has been quite benevolent.
> Dennis Cote
I should have said "opinion poll" instead of "vote".  The results were
not supposed to be "binding" on DRH.  Nor was I trying to suggest that
he should do this extra work.

In most social groups, there is some small percentage of people that
generate the most communication.  In our group, this seems to be about
10 to 20 people.  My idea was to poll a larger sample.  The threaded
nature of a discussion list does not seem to be a very practical method
for conducting a quantitative poll.  My overall idea was to determine
the readership's opinion, not the "social butterfly" opinion. :)

There are probably many pre-existing web sites where anyone can create
an poll they want, so it might take less than 10 minutes to construct a
poll and post a url.  Then again, I could be delusional ;)

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