--- Nathaniel Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 07, 2006 at 01:24:38PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > If it is inconvenient to rollback and retry the entire transaction,
> > then start the transaction initially with BEGIN EXCLUSIVE.  This
> > will acquire the reserved lock immediately (instead of waiting to
> > the first write occurs) and so you will either get an SQLITE_BUSY
> > right away (when it is a simple matter to just rerun the BEGIN EXCLUSIVE
> > statement until it works) or you can be assured of never getting
> > another SQLITE_BUSY again until you try to COMMIT (and there too,
> > you can simply rerun COMMIT repeatedly until it works.)
> It would be convenient to have another form of "BEGIN", in between
> DEFERRED and IMMEDIATE, whose effect was to immediately acquire the
> shared lock.  That would allow read-only transactions to get this same
> level of programming convenience you describe, where one only has to
> be able to handle SQLITE_BUSY in one place.  (Of course, one could
> simulate this now by immediately running a meaningless SELECT after
> each call to BEGIN, solely for the side-effect of acquiring the lock,
> but it seems less elegant and perhaps not guaranteed to continue
> working in the future.)

Bill King's idea about using reader/writer locks is a much better
idea and far less error prone and should be built into the SQLite
library itself.

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