At 10:19 21/06/2006, you wrote:

I'm trying to bulid a database engine based on uc/os-II RTOS with my own customized file system(similar with FAT16, but not exactly the same). I find that SQLite is a good choice.

SQLite is the best choice, we have it running in a PPC440GX embedded system and run without problems. About the filesystem, don't know, we use a ram disk driver (2GB) with minimal filesystem, and make copies to a external hard disk via ethernet at fixed times. Also, disabled SQLite cache. Ram has lower consums and fills less space in our device than hard disks.

Another question:

Because my project will run in an embedded environment, so I have to take care of the RAM consumption. I have went through the mail list, but not found the description of minimum RAM usage.

Could anyone tell me how much RAM is needed to run SQLite in an embedded environment?

SQLite + OS code can be fitted in a 512 sram module (copied from flash at startup), and data in dram modules. There is no minimum ram because you can force SQLite to use hard disk as temp (, except for the cache which will take your page_size (1KB default) + 0.5 KB for each page cached. I suppouse that master tables are ram based also, don't know, but theirs size is minimal.


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