Tried to compile 2.8.16 but got the below errors.  Any suggestions?

C:\Windows CE Tools\wce211\PDT7200\Samples\sqlite\btree_rb.c(314) :
warning C4013: 'printf' undefined; assuming extern returning int
C:\Windows CE Tools\wce211\PDT7200\Samples\sqlite\vdbe.c(389) : warning
C4013: 'getc' undefined; assuming extern returning int
C:\Windows CE Tools\wce211\PDT7200\Samples\sqlite\vdbe.c(395) : warning
C4013: 'ungetc' undefined; assuming extern returning int
C:\Windows CE Tools\wce211\PDT7200\Samples\sqlite\vdbe.c(4140) : warning
C4013: 'fopen' undefined; assuming extern returning int
C:\Windows CE Tools\wce211\PDT7200\Samples\sqlite\vdbe.c(4140) : warning
C4047: '=' : 'void *' differs in levels of indirection from 'int '


vdbe.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _fopen
vdbe.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _ungetc
vdbe.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _getc
X86Rel/sqlite.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 3 unresolved externals

On Mon, 2006-06-19 at 10:22 +0100, Nuno Lucas wrote:
> On 6/19/06, Robin Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is it possible to compile sqlite on embedded visual c 3.0 for wince 2.11
> > without MFC and TCL/TK on a Symbol PDT7242 barcode scanner.
> You should be able to use the 2.8.16 source in the
> site (maybe with one or other tweak as it's been a while since I last
> tested it on 2.11).
> You will not have file locking support, but I guess you will not need it.
> As for Tcl/Tk, you are on your own, sorry.
> > I have tried with the already preprocessed windows source but keep
> > getting error with missing header files like assert.h etc.
> The port includes dummy assert.h and time.h files exactly because of this.
> > I am unable to use the dll as it requires msvcrt which is not available
> > on it.
> You can't use a windows DLL on CE, even if msvcrt was available. You
> will need to compile your own.
> Best regards,
> ~Nuno Lucas
> > Thanks
> > Robin Cook

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