Dennis Cote wrote:
Joe Wilson wrote:

I think some other factor is at play here.

Yes there is another factor at work here. [...] I suspect there are optimizations that could be made to the memory I/O routines to speed them up, they should at least be able to run slightly faster than file based I/O.

Dennis Cote

I still find it rather hard to accept that disk databases are as fast or faster than memory databases, so I ran a *simple* test on WinXP and they are. It's so counterintuitive. :(

So, I used the Task Manager to watch the sqlite shell run a simple bit of table stuffing SQL, shown below. For :memory: databases, long periods were observed where the VM size crept up but I/O write bytes did not, followed by periods where I/O bytes increased. For disk I/O VM size stayed constant at about 4MB and I/O bytes increased steadily throughout. The tests took about 3m5s and 3m47s, so the disk based database was slower in this case, but not by much.

On the face of it, it seems that :memory: databases cause sqlite to spend a lot of time mallocing large amounts of memory by requesting a large number of small chunks, but I wouldn't have expected this to be as slow as disk I/O.

Has anyone done a proper profiling analysis? I don't really buy the disk caching suggestion because if we have a large transaction, then surely we still have to wait an appreciable time after the commit for the data to be sync'd to the disk. If we extrapolate through extremes, are we saying that disk caching makes really slow hard disks and floppies as fast as memory I/O. Seems very odd. Where does the sync time go?


Noddy SQL follows:

select datetime("now");
create table t(id INTEGER, t TEXT);
insert into t values (1,'Hello');
insert into t select * from t;
insert into t select * from t;
insert into t select * from t;
insert into t select * from t;
insert into t select * from t;
insert into t select * from t;
insert into t select * from t;
insert into t select * from t;
insert into t select * from t;
insert into t select * from t;
insert into t select * from t;
insert into t select * from t;
insert into t select * from t;
insert into t select * from t;
insert into t select * from t;
insert into t select * from t;
insert into t select * from t;
insert into t select * from t;
insert into t select * from t;
insert into t select * from t;
insert into t select * from t;
insert into t select * from t;
insert into t select * from t;
insert into t select * from t;
select datetime("now");

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