Jens Miltner wrote:

Is there any way to improve the ORDER BY performance for joined queries? From your answer that the intermediate results are sorted, I take it no index won't ever be used when using ORDER BY with a join query?

Is there a way to rewrite the queries so we don't take the penalty of sorting without an index?

In our case, the 'bar' table may have several 100,000 entries and the 'foo' table probably has much less (say order of thousand).

A minimal query (i.e. one where we don't return a minimal amount of data, so the pure data shuffling doesn't get in the way) with a 'bar' table with 250,000 entries and a 'foo' table with around 10 entries (so the 250,000 entries in the 'bar' table relate to only a few records in the 'foo' table), a query like the above takes 10-20 minutes to run (depending on the ORDER BY clauses used)!

(Side-note: The table does have quite a few columns and apparently, the amount of data per row also massively affects the performance... when I tried with the same table with not all columns filled in - i.e. less data - performance was much better. I also tried increasing the page size, hoping that less paging would have happen, but this didn't really make a noticeable difference)

I would really appreciate any hints on how to improve performance with this kind of setup...


If you create an index on your bar.something column, it will be used to do the ordering. The log below shows how this query will be executed before and after creating this index.

   SQLite version 3.3.5
   Enter ".help" for instructions
   sqlite> CREATE TABLE foo (id integer primary key, name text);
sqlite> CREATE TABLE bar (id integer primary key, foo_id integer, something text
   sqlite> CREATE INDEX bar_idx on bar(foo_id, something);
   sqlite> .explain on
   sqlite> explain SELECT
      ...> AS name,
      ...>     bar.something AS something
      ...> FROM
      ...>     bar
      ...> LEFT JOIN
      ...>     foo ON
      ...> ORDER BY
      ...>     bar.something
      ...> ;
   addr  opcode          p1          p2          p3
---- -------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------------------------
   0     OpenVirtual     2           3           keyinfo(1,BINARY)
   1     Goto            0           40
   2     Integer         0           0
   3     OpenRead        0           3
   4     SetNumColumns   0           3
   5     Integer         0           0
   6     OpenRead        1           2
   7     SetNumColumns   1           2
   8     Rewind          0           26
   9     MemInt          0           1
   10    Column          0           1
   11    MustBeInt       1           22
   12    NotExists       1           22
   13    MemInt          1           1
   14    Column          1           1
   15    Column          0           2
   16    MakeRecord      2           0
   17    Column          0           2
   18    Sequence        2           0
   19    Pull            2           0
   20    MakeRecord      3           0
   21    IdxInsert       2           0
   22    IfMemPos        1           25
   23    NullRow         1           0
   24    Goto            0           13
   25    Next            0           9
   26    Close           0           0
   27    Close           1           0
   28    OpenPseudo      3           0
   29    SetNumColumns   3           2
   30    Sort            2           38
   31    Integer         1           0
   32    Column          2           2
   33    Insert          3           0
   34    Column          3           0
   35    Column          3           1
   36    Callback        2           0
   37    Next            2           31
   38    Close           3           0
   39    Halt            0           0
   40    Transaction     0           0
   41    VerifyCookie    0           3
   42    Goto            0           2
   43    Noop            0           0
   sqlite> .explain off
   sqlite> explain query plan SELECT
      ...> AS name,
      ...>     bar.something AS something
      ...> FROM
      ...>     bar
      ...> LEFT JOIN
      ...>     foo ON
      ...> ORDER BY
      ...>     bar.something
      ...> ;
   0|0|TABLE bar
   sqlite> create index bar_some on bar(something);
   sqlite> .explain on
   sqlite> explain SELECT
      ...> AS name,
      ...>     bar.something AS something
      ...> FROM
      ...>     bar
      ...> LEFT JOIN
      ...>     foo ON
      ...> ORDER BY
      ...>     bar.something
      ...> ;
   addr  opcode          p1          p2          p3
---- -------------- ---------- ---------- ---------------------------------
   0     Noop            0           0
   1     Goto            0           31
   2     Integer         0           0
   3     OpenRead        0           3
   4     SetNumColumns   0           3
   5     Integer         0           0
   6     OpenRead        3           5           keyinfo(1,BINARY)
   7     Integer         0           0
   8     OpenRead        1           2
   9     SetNumColumns   1           2
   10    Rewind          3           27
   11    RowKey          3           0
   12    IdxIsNull       0           26
   13    IdxRowid        3           0
   14    MoveGe          0           0
   15    MemInt          0           1
   16    Column          0           1
   17    MustBeInt       1           23
   18    NotExists       1           23
   19    MemInt          1           1
   20    Column          1           1
   21    Column          0           2
   22    Callback        2           0
   23    IfMemPos        1           26
   24    NullRow         1           0
   25    Goto            0           19
   26    Next            3           11
   27    Close           0           0
   28    Close           3           0
   29    Close           1           0
   30    Halt            0           0
   31    Transaction     0           0
   32    VerifyCookie    0           4
   33    Goto            0           2
   34    Noop            0           0
   sqlite> .explain off
   sqlite> explain query plan SELECT
      ...> AS name,
      ...>     bar.something AS something
      ...> FROM
      ...>     bar
      ...> LEFT JOIN
      ...>     foo ON
      ...> ORDER BY
      ...>     bar.something
      ...> ;
   0|0|TABLE bar WITH INDEX bar_some

With the index on bar.something SQLite can scan the bar table in the order required, and for each bar record it will use the primary key index on the foo table to join the appropriate record from that table.

Dennis Cote

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