Jens Miltner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What's the best approach to try and rescue such a corrupt database?
> So far, I've sort of succeeded by using '.dump' to dump each single  
> table (the global '.dump' would only dump 3 out of about 20 tables).  
> Unfortunately, some of the data appears to be out of place (i.e. data  
> from other tables), but most of the data looks pretty much o.k., but  
> it's not easy to verify :(

Doing a dump and restore is the best method.

> I'm a bit weary that we might get more reports about corrupted  
> databases from customers, so I really want to find out what would  
> cause the corruption!
> If there's anything I can do to help analyze the corruption to find  
> out why and where it occurs, please let me know.

I have never yet found anything useful by analyzing a corrupt
database file.  Generally, the only way to fix this kind of problem
is come up with a reproducible test case.

> P.S.: the sqlite version used at the customer site was 3.3.4

What OS?  How did you compile SQLite (what compile-time options
are turned on?)  What run-time options are using using
(auto-vacuum, non-standard page size, etc)?  How large are the
database files when you first notice the corruption.  What
was the program doing at the time the corruption appeared?

D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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