"zze-ContentLab MARTINEAU Y ext RD-SIRP-REN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry, I meant a power failure, or a power loss if you prefer.

No worries.  I got to learn a new French word!

> I have generated a new data file, this is not a problem in a development =
> environment, but what should I do in a production environment ?

SQLite is suppose to survive an alimentation interruption.  In
fact, the standard regression test suite does extensive testing
to verify that an alimentation interruption will not harm the

But this feature depends to some extent on your operating system.
If your operating system does not properly flush information
to the disk surface when requested, or if it lies about it,
then bad things can happen.  What OS are you using?  What
kind of mass storage?  (Disk or flash?)
D. Richard Hipp   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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