Hi all,

To give a brief context : I'm trying to perform an upgrade from db_old to db_new. db_old and db_new have almost the same tables with a few modified columns.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

1. Opened database file db_new
2. Attached database file db_old as 'db1'
3. Perform insert into table_a in db_new using a select statement as follows :

  " Insert into table_a values ( column_a, column_b,..... )
    select distinct ( db1.column_a, column_b....)
    from db1.table_a as T1, table_b as T2
    where T1.id = T2.u_id; "

ps : Please ignore any typos in this query. I just wrote it on the fly.

The problem is for one of the columns that have values ( 8209454, 1254234, 1245663 ) in db_old, the values in the new database are changed to ( 8209454.0000001, 1254234.0000001 , 1245663.0000001 ). This column is not defined as 'primary key' or integer.

I'm using version 2.8.14 and the weird thing is there is no problem when I use LiteQuery which uses 2.8.12. That means, there is no problem with my query. I also checked with version 2.8.17 and the problem still exists. And yeah, at this time I'm not in a position to switch to version 3.

Is this a known isssue with sqlite version 2 ? Does anyone know what's happening ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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