
I understand the problem in thoery and you are saying that sqlite is using
an iterative algorithm which returns data as it finds it, is this correct?

It appears that DBs like oracle etc.. get the whole resultset into temporary
memory/space and then return the query (at least for unions this appears
true), although this is just based off assumptions based on observations.

It seems to me that the DB (ie sqlite) can determine the number of results
far more effiently than a client application. The reason is, the client
application has to call step (n) times and a column extract (n x no
columns). While the db could just move through the results set and count
them up without every doing any processing on the data being counted.
Perhaps this could done as a seperate api, like preparewithcount() which
returns the count as well. With carefull design most of the work needed to
prepare the statement etc.. could avoid being repeated as would happen with
a count(*) query.

This is just an idea, and I am speaking simply as a developer, but one who
has not looked at sqlite implentation at all.

Thanks for your response, it was very informative, helpfull and poinient.



"Da Martian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> >The optimal way is that you prepare the statement, fetch and
> > count the results with sqlite3_step.
> How would I "fetch and count" the results via sqlite3_step?
> Do you mean fetch all the records first? What if my result set is huge,
> I would only like to show the first few records but still know how many
> there are?
> For exmaple, Lets say I run a SQL statement (its a very heavy statement
> consiting of joins and subqueries). It returns 5000 rows. For speed I
> want to retrieve 5000 rows, I want to setup a list which shows that
> are 5000 rows on the scroll bar, but only retrieves the first say 20 for
> display.
> Is this possible?

No, it is not possible.  In the general case where there are
user-defined functions in the query, returning the number of
rows in the result set is equivalent to the halting problem.


Even in the absence of the artifical constructs that make the
problem theoretically undecidable, the problem is still very
hard.  I am not aware of a general solution other than to
run the query to completion and count the rows.  I suspect
that I can write a proof that no solution exists that is
faster than running the query to completion, though I have
never taken the time to actually write that proof out.

You might be able to find special cases where you can predict
the size of the result set without actually computing the
result set.  But such techniques would only work for very
narrowly defined queries over tables with very narrowly
defined data constraints.

D. Richard Hipp  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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