
All these options are good, and the discussion was interesting. I mearly
wanted to see what peoples thoughts on the sqlite providing this were. There
are many ways to skin a cat as they say. Since this is probably drifting off
topic, I suggest we discontinue the thread.

Thanks for your cander, discussing is whats its all about.


On 10/25/06, A. Pagaltzis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

* Da Martian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-10-25 15:05]:
> Its was not meant as an insult, however you did set the tone
> with your post (ala: Either you want the data from the query,
> or you don't.). I mearly responded in kind. If you live in
> glass houses dont throw stones and all that. I mean its not
> hard to see that loading 20 million records into memory isnt
> the most effient approach to showing a list box on the screen.

I suggested that after you said that Oracle collects results in
memory before returning them; you seemed to hint that this
wouldn't be a problem, in which case whether you do it yourself
or the database does it for you doesn't make a difference.

Solutions that come to mind are  a) to populate the UI from an
idle callback, where the scollbar would simply keep growing
independently from any user interaction until all the results are
fetched; or if that's unacceptable,  b) run a separate COUNT(*)
query, since preparing a extra query is cheap, but using COUNT(*)
tells SQLite that it can forgo a lot of processing, which makes
the up-front counting query quicker.

There are other options as well. A lot depends on your
circumstances. F.ex. paged queries can be made cheaper by
selecting results into a temporary table so that you can
re-retrieve them with a much cheaper query.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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