Hi Nuno,

Sqlite is one mailing list I have consistently found absolutely excelent knowledge, thanks again for your information. I don't know whether this should be off-thread now, but I don't have your email address.

I'll have to research memory allocation further. But I'm glad to know that the 16MB 'VmData' is not reserved per-process. If you know a good URL on Linux virtual memory and allocation, I would be extremely interested.

My code is c++, it's a manifold for many TCP remote mobile devices, like GPS tracking equipment. Therefore it's evolved to link to half the libraries on the system.

If I am to correctly account for data used by a collection of processes, would this be the sum of VmRSS?

I am suffering a 4GB memory 64-bit Zeon Linux box, which keeps crashing with 'No available memory'. I'm finding it quite hard to break down the memory into what processes are paged-in and using what's available. Sqlite seemed to be the smoking gun, so although I'm glad it was not the case, it means I must start again on my search...

Thanks for the advise,


Nuno Lucas wrote:
On 10/30/06, Ben Clewett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks for the excelent description of my error.  I have learnt a little
more about Linux virtual memory model.  Very glad to hear Sqlite is as
perfect as ever :)

My problem, which is definitely my problem, is that 90 x 16MB of
reserved memory is still a loss of 1.4G.  Especially as I use hardly any
of it.

Each process has it's own virtual address space, so 16MB of reserved
virtual addresses (except when they are kernel addresses) for one
process doesn't do nothing to the ammount of virtual addresses free
for other processes. And as each process usually has 2/3GB of virtual
addresses for it's own use, 16MB is pretty low (it depends on the
system, but 2 GB is the most common minimum, on 32 bits).

I still find strange that your program uses so much virtual addresses,
but you didn't specify (or I don't recall) what language you are using
and what libraries you are linking to. You may want to investigate
this further.

~Nuno Lucas

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Ben Clewett
+44(0)1923 460000
Project Manager
Road Tech Computer Systems Ltd

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