Have figure out now what the quickest way is to move data from Interbase to
a SQLite db file:
IB to ADO recordset
Recordset to text
Import the text file with the .import command.

Now I am trying to figure out how to automate the last step with a .bat
What I got sofar is:
Have a SQL file with:

create table ReadCode
    SUBJECT_TYPE           varchar(5),
    READ_CODE           varchar(5),
    TERM30           varchar(30),
    TERM60        varchar(60)

Run a .bat file with this:

cd C:\SQLite
del ReadCode.db
type ReadCode.sql | sqlite3 ReadCode.db

Then run from the command prompt:

Cd C:\SQLite  (press return)
SQLite3 ReadCode.db  (press return)
.mode csv    (press return)
.import ReadCode.txt ReadCode   (press return)

This runs nice and quick, but how would I combine all this in one .bat file
or how could I run this all from VB? I know very little about .bat files,
but I would think that somehow it must be possible.
Thanks for any assistance.


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