Hi everyone,
I am trying to generate a time information with the time zone offset
information in the UTC format
with the last HH and MM referring to the offset of the timezone hours and
minutes from the GMT. My table is created using the following queries
CREATE TABLE TwoTimes(localTime datetime, GMTTime datetime);
Rows are inserted using the following sql statement
insert into twoTimes(localtime,gmttime)
:%M:%f','now','utc','+5 minutes'));
I have written a query of this type to get most of the information.
select strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%f',localtime) ||
quote((strftime('%s',localtime) - strftime('%s',gmttime))/3600) || ':' ||
quote((abs((strftime('%s',localtime) - strftime('%s',gmttime)))%3600)/60)
from twotimes

I have the problem of getting the "+" sign ('-' comes through the
calculation itself) and having two digit Hours and minutes for the timezone
Anyone has done a similar method of implementing. 
With Regards
Karthick V
HCL Technologies Limited, 
Chennai, India

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