Cnichols <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
REPLACE INTO (AccountId, MemberId, SessionId, State)
SELECT (M.Id || '-' || S.Id), M.Id, S.Id, 4
From Sessions AS S, Members AS M
LEFT JOIN AccountState AS AST ON S.Id = AST.SessionId
WHERE S.OverdueHandled = 0
AND S.Grace < DATE('NOW')
--AND AST.State != 1

Right off the bat, I don't see Members table being joined to anything. Do you really mean to use a full cartesian product?

Based on the nature of how REPLACE INTO works I created the AccountID
field which is just unique text so a replace can occur.

You don't need an artificial single field for that. You can declare a composite key or index, e.g.

create table AccountState (
   MemberId, SessionId, State,
   PRIMARY KEY (MemberId, SessionId)

To save on diskspace I only keep the alert only when the session has
been paid or becomes dilequent so for the other X days there is no
need to keep neutral status in the alert table.
So a record of an account will not be there unless paid or dilequent
(which includes due, grace, overdue, cumalative)  so I need to insert
a record if its not there but I don't want to replace and paid
accounts, but i can overwrite all the other dilquent with a high

This narrative assumes that the reader knows a) banking terminology; b) the exact way it is represented in your data model. You are much likely to get help if you restate all these conditions in terms of your tables and fields.

Igor Tandetnik

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