On 12/7/06, Da Martian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yeah I am currently using VirtualTree from Mikes Delphi Gems. Its fully
unicode enabled (I beleive). I use WideStrings through out the entire
pipeline from xml I recieve into SQLite via the prepare16 back out through
column_text16 into virtual tree. Well thats true, the SQL APIs are mapped to
return PWideChar which is then copied via System.Move into a widestring as

[ DLL interfaces ]

Previously (before my langauge headaches :-)  ) I was doing the above
without the APIs ending in 16, and everything was string and PChar in the
above layer. The layer that used this class has always had "WideString".

I realise your probably not delphi pros, but if you do spot something stupid
I am doing I would appreciate any help you can offer.

I've never used Delphi, "but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn last night"...

It looks fine to me.  To help check it, one thing you can try is
writing the result of FieldAsString directly to a file as raw bytes,
then in notepad open that with "encoding" set to "Unicode".  E.g.
something logically equivalent to:

 size := Length(field) * 2;
 SetLength(buffer, size );
 System.Move(field^, buffer^, size);
 file.Write(buffer, size);

I imagine you don't have to jump through hoops like that, but
hopefully you see what I have in mind.  If the result looks good in
notepad, then you know this layer is fine, so the problem must be
closer to the display layer.

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