I have the following update statements that work fine on mysql. I understand
that sqllite will not do the table join so how would I do this update
without resorting to multiple sub-queries 

UPDATE shopstatistics as s, Temp_Shop_Stats_1 as Temp
  s.nbrdailiesmorning = Temp.nbrdailiesmorning,
  s.nbrdailiesevening = Temp.nbrdailiesevening,
  s.nbrweeklies = Temp.nbrweeklies,
  s.nbrmonthlies = Temp.nbrmonthlies,
  s.nbrothers = Temp.nbrothers,
  s.valuedailiesmorning = Temp.valuedailiesmorning,
  s.valuedailiesevening = Temp.valuedailiesevening,
  s.valueweeklies = Temp.valueweeklies,
  s.valuemonthlies = Temp.valuemonthlies,
  s.valueothers = Temp.valueothers
s.day = Temp.day and s.shopid = Temp.shopid and s.phase = 0;

Chris Hoy

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