"Emerson Clarke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Richard,
> My complaint, if you want to call it that.  Was simply that there are
> seemingly artificial constraints on what you can and cant do accross
> threads.
> If i have a linked list, i can use it across threads if i want to,
> provided that i synchronise operations in such a way that the list
> does not get corrupted.
> Likewise for most other data structures and libraries.  The default
> behaviour is that if i create an object on the stack or the heap, i
> can use it between multiple threads provided that i synchronise access
> to that object.
> Sqlite does not follow these rules, as something created in one thread
> does not work in another thread regardless of synchronisation and it
> is out of my control.

I think it was already explained to you that the reason for this
behavior is to work around bugs in file locking in older versions
of Linux.  If you are using a newer version of Linux or OS-X or 
windows, those constraints do not apply to you. You can move 
database connections across threads freely.

What you cannot do is to use the same database connection in two
or more threads at the same time.  This is the usual case with most
libraries, threadsafe or not - you can use separate instances of
an object in different threads at the same time, but you cannot use
the same object simultaneously in multiple threads.
D. Richard Hipp  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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