
I think sqlite suffers somewhat from a bit of an identity crisis.
Whilst it is both a library and a piece of code which you embed in a
project it is often talked about as though it is some external

Technically sqlite is not thread safe.  Just because the library has
explicitly disallowed using the same sqlite3 * structure in multiple
threads on some platforms (i understand this requirement has been
relaxed on others) does not make it thread safe.  Even on the
platforms where a single sqlite3 * structure can be used on multiple
threads (provided it is not at the same time), it is not possible to
have a transaction which works across these threads.  So even if the
connection is thread safe, the transactions are not.

By the usual definition, something which is thread safe can be safely
used across multiple threads, usually with the aid of synchronisation
but sometimes not.  For instance collections are often considdered
thread safe only when they manage their own mutexes internally so that
the user doesnt have to.  But either way, you can use them accross
multiple threads.  You cannot do this with sqlite, so it is quite
confusing to say that sqlite is thread safe...

I think a better definition would be that sqlite can be safely used in
a multithreaded program, but is not thread safe.

I agree that multithreaded programming can be difficult, but its not
magic and i think that a few simple rules can overcome most of the
problems.  It certainly is not luck that multithreaded systems work,
usually its the result of careful design and hard work.


On 12/30/06, Roger Binns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Emerson Clarke wrote:
> If i have a linked list, i can use it across threads if i want to,
> provided that i synchronise operations in such a way that the list
> does not get corrupted.

And of course you also have to know about memory barriers and compiler
re-ordering.  That is highly dependent on the libraries and/or compiler
you are using, as well as underlying hardware implementation.  Most of
the time, developers just get lucky.

> Likewise for most other data structures and libraries.

Arguably that is by luck and not design!  Look at the effort that to go
in an add _r suffixed versions of several functions in the standard
libraries.  And many GUI libraries have long had a restriction that you
can only use them in one thread.

> Sqlite does not follow these rules, as something created in one thread
> does not work in another thread regardless of synchronisation and it
> is out of my control.

SQLite's design was not "luck".  The design expects you to create unique
sqlite3 objects in each thread.  Effort and thought was put into that!

It was loosened a bit in 3.3.x:

What isn't allowed is multiple statements executing at the same time in
multiple threads against the same sqlite3* db object.  In order to
support that, SQLite would have to have extensive code protecting the
various internal data structures as well as ensuring concurrency.

> This is not a situation that i would expect anyone to purposefully
> design becuase it makes multithreaded programming difficult,

The purposeful design is that you make sqlite3 objects per thread.  That
way there is absolutely no danger of corruption or other bad issues.


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