By separate files, do you mean that each user has their own data store?
If so, why not do the same thing with SQLite?  If each user has a unique
name or ID, append that to a generic file name and you have a separate
instance for each user.  I don't believe there's that much overhead to
the system tables that SQLite uses, and you solve your concurrency

Eric Pankoke
Point Of Light Software

-----Original Message-----
From: Anil Gulati -X (agulati - Michael Page at Cisco)
Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 8:27 PM
Subject: RE: [sqlite] Appropriate uses for SQLite

That's what I'm talking about! It's good to get the perspective from
your setup, Phil. I'm beginning to get the picture.

I am starting to think that I should stick to an enhancement of my
current system. It's *very* basic, even more basic than SQLite, but
corruption seems almost impossible when data is in separate files with
no compression, etc.

Thanks for taking the time.

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Butler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, 2 February 2007 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Appropriate uses for SQLite

And this is when I'll step back and listen to the experts...

Since it is a low-load situation, file/record locking on SQLite seems
like it would be acceptable to me.

As for data corruption - that's bad -- very bad.  However, with
automated backups some degree of comfort may be realized.  With the db
systems that I have designed, I have an automatic process that dumps the
db to a text file every 4 hours or so.  These are kept for a couple of
days.  I sleep easy at night knowing this...


On Feb 1, 2007, at 7:59 PM, Anil Gulati -X ((agulati - Michael Page at
Cisco)) wrote:

> Thanks for replying Phil...
> Actually I am not running separate websites - but I have to deploy to 
> multiple webservers which will all serve the same pages. Each 
> webserver will have their own copy of the SQLite code, but they need 
> to load the data from a network file server to share the same data.
> I guess this is why I am asking for feedback: it seems that this case 
> is a marginal case for SQLite and I am just trying to assess 
> performance and corruption possibilities in more detail than is 
> presented on the SQLite web pages.
> The main point that encourages me to try SQLite is that it is 
> recommended for 99.9% of websites. I believe my traffic is very low 
> and SQLite should be recommended from that point of view.
> However, although the likelihood of two users simultaneously updating 
> a particular record is going to be very low I believe it is going to 
> happen that two users will try to update the database simultaneously.
> I know that SQLite has some file locking features that have even been 
> improved in v 3.0. So:
> - will simultaneous *database* access result in corruption?
> - will simultaneous *record* access result in corruption?
> - if not, when *can* corruption occur?
> I don't mind making the users wait in the unlikely event of a record 
> collision, or even drop data once in a blue moon, but corruption is 
> not acceptable.
> Thanks again.
> Anil.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Philip Butler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, 2 February 2007 11:39 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] Appropriate uses for SQLite
> I am not an expert on SQLite - but if you are running separate 
> websites from your multiple servers, then why not use 4 instances of 
> SQLite ??
> That is unless the websites need to share the same database/tables.
> If they do need to share the same database/tables, then PostgreSQL or 
> MySQL may be the more appropriate choice.  They are designed to be 
> distributed (hence their increased overhead) while SQLite is designed 
> to be lean-and-mean.
> Just my 2 cents worth...
> Phil
> On Feb 1, 2007, at 7:03 PM, Anil Gulati -X ((agulati - Michael Page at
> Cisco)) wrote:
>> Hi SQLite users
>> Thank you for your attention - I am just hoping for some 
>> clarification
>> of usability of SQLite.
>> Referring to:
>> - SQLite works well in websites
>> - Other RDBMS may work better for Client/Server applications
>> - SQLite will work over a network file system, but because of the 
>> latency associated with most network file systems, performance will 
>> not be great
>> I am trying to decide whether I can use SQLite for a website that 
>> runs
>> on 4 load-balanced servers using networked file storage mounted by 
>> all
>> servers for common data access. SQLite will have to load its database

>> from the network file space.
>> These servers run multiple web-sites, hence the additional servers, 
>> but my pages are not high hit-rate. The sites I am planning 
>> anticipate
>> a maximum of 200 users altogether. Current raw, uncompressed data 
>> (mostly
>> text) is about 2MB growing to around 4MB. The current starter 
>> database
>> of 1.6MB raw compresses to 963KB.
>> My concerns are:
>> 1. Network file system
>> How bad is the latency introduced from using a network file system?
>> 2. Concurrent access
>> I can't understand how SQLite is recommended for 99.9% of websites 
>> but
>> only *high* concurrency is not recommended? I currently use a flat- 
>> file system which uses a single file per record. If users happen to 
>> write to the same record simultaneously one of the updates will be 
>> lost but corruption is highly unlikely, if not impossible. It seems 
>> that for SQLite the risk for concurrent access is always data 
>> corruption, which would be unacceptable for me.
>> The issue is that there may be short periods where multiple users 
>> will
>> be updating around the same time and I want to make sure that the 
>> possibility of corruption is extremely low. I am asking for more 
>> detailed information on the above issues to clarify my decision.
>> All feedback gratefully received.
>> Thanks.
>> Anil.

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